Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Blog 5

      During my field work experience I have learned so much and I have noticed many various roles of the teacher.  They have to be good at a lot of different things.  They have to be artistic, understanding, trustworthy, kind, patient and hold many other qualities of a good teacher.  Aside from these mentioned characteristics a teacher must be able to teach the many diverse students in her classroom.  The teacher I observe is very well at controlling his emotions, patient, funny, and he has obviously gained the students trust because they just adore him.
      I would think that the most important role that a teacher plays is simply being a good teacher.  It is their responsibility to teach their students.  To be a good teacher you must hold many qualities to reach out to each student.  I have noticed that preparing different and unique lesson plans to satisfy every student is very beneficial.  In the class I observe the teacher does exactly this.  Every time I visit the classroom he uses different techniques to teach the children.  One technique to get the students to think is when he asks a question he doesn't let them raise their hands for two minutes.  He told me that this gives the students an opportunity to figure out the question without distractions and without the other students just giving them the answer.  He calls this "wait time."  He does a very well job at teaching each individual student the lessons.
      I think the most difficult role for a teacher would be incorporating every student in the lessons even students with disabilities, careless attitudes, and different levels of cognitive development.  The teacher I observe does a very good job at teaching the material to each student.  He has them skip recess to catch up or join in a study group, he has separate time to give small group lessons, and he works one on one with students.  I think it would be hard to reach out to each individual student but he has given me a good example of how to succeed this role of a teacher.

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